
3天2夜金马伦记 3D2N Tour in Cameron Highland

非常感谢来自新加顾客的信任与支持,向我们预定了两辆Hyundai Starex到金马伦渡过这9月的学校假期。
金马伦高原在亚洲可称作为"小英国", 因为金马伦高原保留了英国人在马来西亚时代的建筑物。凉快的气候和美丽如画的风景是旅客们去游玩的好去处! 
Really appreciate for our Singaporean customers had booked 2 of Hyundai Starex go to Cameron Highland on Sept Holiday. 
Cameron Highland as called as ”little UK" in Asia, due to a lot of British Building have been keep in Cameron Highland. The cool climate and the picturesque scenery are good places for the traveler to take a tour. 

金马伦之旅 Cameron Highland Trip

第一天 Day 1
早上6:00 am从新加坡Tampines 和 Jurong出发,幸好当天关卡并没有很塞车我们大约7:25 am就到达新山,然后就找了个地方随便吃个早餐。大约8am就从新山出发去金马伦。
At the morning 6 am we were departure from Tampines and Jurong to Johor. Luckily that day custom jam situation isn't too bad, around 7:25 am we were reached Johor, and having a simple breakfast in Johor restaurant. Around 8am we were started go to Cameron Highland.

During the journey, we were keep chatting. How the time flies, just like a moment we were reached at the foot of the mountain. The children were very expected and excited about of to reach Cameron Highland to pluck strawberries. 

Amazing view before we were going up to Highland Cameron. The road started become winding. 
在上到半山的时候,我们把车窗打开然后吹着冷冷的风听着音乐真的是非常的舒服呢!一路上行赏着绿悠悠的山从,计划着我们这两天的行程然后大约小个小时半的行程我们终于到达名宿了! 环境非常干净,舒适,新以及装潢也非常漂亮。
On the half way up of  Cameron Highland mountain, we were opened the car window and enjoyed the cool whether with awesome music. We were discussed about the plan of this trip with enjoying the wonderful view. Around half an hour, finally we were reached the homestay! Our hostel is really clean, comfortable, new, and beautiful. 

Cameron Golden Hills- Somersquare HomeStay
( 我们租的套房是3间房间的,大约可以睡10个人,所以我们租了两间。一晚的价格是RM231)
(The apartment with 3 bedroom, it can accommodate around 10 people, so that we were taken 2. The charge is RM231 per night)

When put the luggage in the homestay, it's is the time go to having our lunch meals. 


The first station we went to the biggest Tea Plantation in Asia, we have a good tea time before we climbed to the hilltop to enjoy the scenery. Cool weather coupled with a cup of tea really makes us feel particularly relaxed and happy.


大约在山上待了一个小时多我们拍了天也快黑了, 要下山去逛夜市买食材准备我们今晚的火锅!在这里的夜市能买到非常便宜又新鲜的蔬菜,而且非常热闹!然后我们就回名宿准备我们的火锅了!
After we spent around one and the half hours in the hilltop,  we were going to the night market to buy some food for tonight dinner. We can found a lot of fresh vegetables in the night market, you will have a jolly time at there. After we were bought the ingredient then we return back to the homestay to prepare our steamboat dinner.

火锅晚餐 Steamboat Dinner

Day 2: 

The first night at Cameron Highland, we were gathering, chilling, chatting in the homestay  until midnight 3 a.m. At the morning we were plan 10am wake up to visit the tourist attraction, but we were dragging until 12pm woke up. 

First stop we went to cactus farm. We can found many different types of cactus, colorful's cactus. Its were very beautiful! Now only found the  cactus is not only green color but also colorful. Feel the cactus is very cute. 

第二站: 去参观漂酿花海和一些有机蔬菜。在这里随便都拍的出很美的照片,犹如身在国外一样!
Second Destination: Visit a garden for look a round the amazing different flower and organic vegetables.  We can takes a lot of amazing photo at there, just like you travel at others country now. and just spend the low cost.

Third Destination: Strawberry Farm 

Strawberry Farm should be the place where children are most expect to visit, for me also is the first time visit Strawberry Farm, just like a child. After we were payed the entrance ticket, we were going to the strawberry farm. We can seen a lot of strawberries in the farm. We known the strawberries are planted in the small pots and then hung up after we visit Strawberry Farm. You can pluck fresh and big strawberries in the farm. You can also eating the strawberries while you plucking the strawberries.
This is an excellent experience.  

Morning Glory

Must try this Lavender Ice-cream

薰衣草园算是这个旅程最最最漂酿的景点了。它里面种了满满的薰衣草和牵牛花,真的是非常壮观。在热带国家是非常难得看到薰衣草的,但非常幸运我们不用买很贵的机票去到日本还是欧洲看, 对!你就是可以在马来西亚,金马伦就能观赏到了! 薰衣草花语是纯洁,感谢,包容和忍耐。
I think that Lavender Garden is the best tourist attraction in Cameron Highland. There have a lot of Lavenders and Morning Glory, it's so beautiful and amazing! It's very hard to find the Lavender in the Tropical countries,  luckily we don't need to spend the high cost to buy a air bus ticker go to Japan or Europe to visit the Lavender Farm, you can find it in Malaysia. Yes, it's located in Cameron Highland Malaysia!  Lavender means pure, gratitude, inclusive and patience. You can forget all the troubles and problems while you at there. It's very suitable for the family to improve their relationship, especially couple.

Day 3:

时间过得很快,又是时候要回家了。我们趁还有一点时间就去了时光隧道,在这可以看到很多60-80年代的文物还有一些关于金马伦的历史。 过后我们就叫司机带我们去买一些新鲜的蔬菜就要准备回新加坡了。
How times flies! It's the time we need to return back to Sg. For the last destination we were went to a “Time Museum”. You can found 60-80 decade things in this museum. If you want get more history about Cameron Highland you can also get from there. 
After that we asked our driver David to send us bought some fresh vegetable then will direct go back sg.

Fresh Rose 新鲜的玫瑰花 

来自新加披的朋友如果打算要去金马伦旅游的话拿包车服务会比较好哦。 因为在那边没有车真的很难去旅游景点,我们也看到有些旅客必须站在路边看有没有好心人愿意载他们回酒店。而且拿包车服务司机都会为你们安排好行车和减少疲累让你们玩的更尽兴,因为去金马伦的路程实在太远了。
We are suggest the traveler who are planed to travel in Cameron Highland better take the chartered service ( means driver will follow your whole trip). Because at Cameron Highland you really hard to find a transport go to tourist attraction or anywhere, we also seen some traveler stand at the road side to stop the car to get help due to they don't have hire any car at there. If you take our chartered service you can reduce fatigue and make you more relaxed, because the journey go to Cameron Highland is really too far.

If you are planed travel in Cameron Highland you can contact our staff to get more information.

Whatsapps/ Call: +6018-3793996
Facebook:  https://m.facebook.com/v6transportservice/
Email: v6transportt@gmail.com

V6 Transport Agency 新马包车服务 Transport between Singapore with Malaysia! 



3天2夜金马伦记 3D2N Tour in Cameron Highland

非常感谢来自新加顾客的信任与支持,向我们预定了两辆Hyundai Starex到金马伦渡过这9月的学校假期。 金马伦高原在亚洲可称作为"小英国", 因为金马伦高原保留了英国人在马来西亚时代的建筑物。凉快的气候和美丽如画的风景是旅客们去游玩的好去处!  ...